The Center for Career and Vocational Guidance is a structural subdivision of the State Enterprise "Zhanatas Multidisciplinary College" .


The MISSION of the Center is the formation and implementation of an effective career path of a student, graduate, specialist on the principle of lifelong learning (Lifelong Learning), as well as career guidance activities among college entrants.


Central activity Purpose :


  • Assistance in choosing a profession (specialization) in accordance with the needs of the labor market;
  • Development of Soft Skills for students required in the labor market;
  • Creating an effective system that promotes the career growth and professional development of students, graduates, professionals;
  • Creating conditions for the development of professional skills of graduates and specialists in accordance with the requirements of the labor market.



  • Negotiating with employers, concluding agreements on cooperation, internships and employment, as well as targeted training;
  • Organization and holding of events aimed at employment of students and graduates (Fairs of specialists, presentations of employers, guest lectures, etc.);
  •  Providing courses and seminars for professional development and advanced training of specialists of the enterprise;
  • Establish, maintain and establish communication to track graduates' careers;
  • Assisting college graduates in implementing their career plans;
  • Organization of special courses and seminars for the development of professional skills and abilities of graduates, as well as their successful adaptation to the labor market;
  • Organizing and conducting special trainings, courses, seminars and master classes on the development of personal competencies of students in demand in the labor market (Soft Skills): preparation for professional selection in companies, advice on writing a resume and interview, psychological orientation in any field of activity
  • Work with students on informatization, career guidance and career planning;
  • Work with students on informatization, career guidance and career planning;
  • Employment assistance;
  • Conduct research on the labor market and provide students with information about market development trends, forecasts and requirements of employers;
  • Assistance in choosing a profession (specialization) in accordance with the forecast of the needs of the labor market;
  • Assistance in choosing a learning trajectory related to the further choice of specialization;
  • Assistance in choosing the place of internship.


Head of the Career Center: K. Ibraimova