In the 2019-2020 academic year, full-time applicants are accepted for the following specialties by the state order for a period of 10 months, 1 year 10 months, 2 years 10 months and 3 years 10 months:




Name of specialty Training period Test subjects

0709000 – Mineral enrichment (ore beneficiation)

0709172 - Laboratory of mineralogical analysis

(2 years 10 months) by specialty (grade 9)




(2 years 10 months) by specialty (grade 9)

Interviews are accepted on a competitive basis
 2 0707000 - Maintenance and repair of mining electromechanical equipment


0707212- Drilling rig operator




(2 years and 10 months) by specialty (grade 9)



Interviews are accepted on a competitive basis


0707000 - Maintenance and repair of mining electromechanical equipment

0707202- Excavator driver



(2 years and 10 months) by specialty (grade 9)

Interviews are accepted on a competitive basis

0707000 - Maintenance and repair of mining electromechanical equipment

0707102- Conveyor driver

(2 years and 10 months) by specialty (grade 9)



Interviews are accepted on a competitive basis

0709000 - Mineral Concentrator (Ore Enrichment)

0709122 - Equipment maintenance and repair mechanic




(2 years 10 months) by specialty (grade 9)

Interviews are accepted on a competitive basis


In the 2019-2020 academic year, on the basis of paid and distance learning full-time students will be accepted in the following specialties:




Name of specialty Test subjects
1 091101 3-Operation, maintenance, electrical repair and electromechanical equipment (by type). Kazakh language



2 071103 3- Mine surveying Kazakh language



3 070719 3- Maintenance and repair of mining electromechanical equipment Kazakh language



4 130404 3- Computer hardware and software Kazakh language



5  130502 3 - Information systems (by scope) Kazakh language



6 070620 3 In the fields


open pit mining

Kazakh language



7 070918 3-Mineral concentrator (ore beneficiation) Kazakh language



8 130200 0 – Automation and control



Kazakh language






In college, it allows you to learn the professions that are necessary for life, according to the choice of the applicant.


License №14000027 Date of issue of the license: 06.01.2014


The main social partners of our college:


EuroChem-Fertilizers LLP;


Kazphosphate LLP;


"Sarysu district power system"