List of social partners of Zhanatas Multidisciplinary College


Name of the specialty

Social partners


"Repair and maintenance of mining electromechanical equipment"

Euro-Chem-Fertilizer LLP

Kazphosphate LLP

Baimakhanov BUZHK


"Mine surveying"

Euro-Chem-Fertilizer LLP

Kazphosphate LLP

Department of architecture, town-planning and construction of Sarysu district akimat

Land relations department of Sarysu district akimat

Department of land relations of Zhambyl oblast akimat

"Tan" LLP


"Open pit mining"

Kazphosphate LLP


"Maintenance, service, electrical repair and electromechanical equipment"

Sarysu district power system

Euro-Chem-Fertilizer LLP

Department of physical culture and sports of Sarysu district akimat

IE "Rsymbetov "

Akimat of Zhanaaryk rural district of Sarysu district

Akimat of Zhanatalap rural district of Sarysu district

School named after Zh. Otarbayev

School named after Aitekebi

School named after M. Auezov

Kyzyldikan school

Sarysu district society "Zhas Zhiger"


"Preschool education and upbringing"

Department of Education of Sarysu district akimat

Kindergarten "Akbota"

Kindergarten "Yertostik" of Suzak district of the South-Kazakhstan region

Kindergarten "Suzak" of Suzak district of the South-Kazakhstan region

Kindergarten "Aigul"

Kindergarten "Baldyrgan"


"Primary education"

Department of Education of Sarysu district akimat

Talas district, Karatau city, Kunayev school

Secondary school named after Navoi of Suzak district of SKR

Trinity Basic School

Kzyldykan school

Secondary school named after Aliya Moldagulova of Suzak district of South Kazakhstan region

M / g named after Sh. Ualikhanov

Kumkent village, Suzak district, South-Kazakhstan region, m / g named after K. Satpayev

Shokai Datka secondary school

School named after M. Auezov

Aktogay school

School named after Y. Suleimenov

School named after Zh. Otarbayev

School named after B. Kashkinbayev

School named after Abylaikhan

School named after S. Seifullin

School named after Adambayev

Secondary school named after Navoi of Suzak district of SKR

Lyceum of the city of Karatau

Asa village “Rakhat primary school


"Computer hardware and software"

Zhanatas city administration of Sarysu district

Sarysu district akimat

Sarysu district pension fund center

Schools under the department of education of Sarysu district akimat (11 schools)

Sarysu newspaper editorial office

Sarysu district Office of Consumer Protection

Akimat of Turkestan rural district of Sarysu district

"Business incubator" department of Sarysu district akimat

Sarysu district centralized library system

Kzyldykan school

Secondary school named after M. Auezov, Kyzylkol village, Suzak district, South Kazakhstan region

MSO "Sarysu Zhastary"

Yerubaev Public Association



Deputy Director for Training and Production : DM Sarimbetova